Not Flexible Enough…

notflexibleforyoga“I’m not flexible enough to do yoga.” That is one of those wish-I-had-a-dollar-for-every-time-I-heard-that-line lines. At the heart of it is the belief that yoga is about getting somplace that you aren’t already, that where I am right now doesn’t qualify me to do something as amazing as yoga. Anyone who has embraced the essence of yoga can attest that yoga is about anything but getting better than who, what and where you are right now.

No matter what your level of flexibility, allow yourself to move through the ego-limited belief that “I am not enough.” Acknowledge the mind’s fear-inspired effort to keep you in a place that feels safe to the mind (the familiar) and take yourself into the unknown, trusting that you are safe. I often remind my students, if falling out of a yoga pose or feeling like you’re the only one in the room who can’t touch her toes is the worst thing that happens to you all week, then that’s a pretty good week. Hope to see you in class. (BTW: Everyone can touch their toes. Just bend your knees)

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